Saturday, December 6, 2008

The NB I don't know

It's been a while since I've written. This is due to a couple of reasons. First, my return to Zambia kept me busy for the month of October (there will be plenty of upcoming notes about that!), and secondly, I've just started a new job with a community economic development agency in my region of NB, Enterprise Fundy. My position title is Youth Entrepreneurship Development Officer, and I'll be working with people between 18 and 35 who are looking to start or expand their business. It's an unbelievable opportunity, one I'm truly excited about. I'm learning so much about the place where I grew up. It's as though I'm seeing everything through a different lens these days. One of these discoveries makes reference to the title of this note. Last week, I traveled to Petitcodiac, a village about 25 km east of Sussex whose main industry, a sawmill, closed last year. I met with a teacher and some local business owners to disucss the situation in their area. I learned that the school in Peti has started a breakfast program for the kids. This seemed unnecessary. Did an entire school in NB - in Canada for that matter?? - really need to offer free food to the students? My naivete was completely apparent. The teacher said that it helped a lot of kids perform better in class. Was this need there when I was in high school? I began to think about my exposure to my surroundings in high school and realized that it had been pretty limited. I feel as though a lot of people (including myself) are unaware of the actual realities in our province. And what is systematically wrong that it results in a Western government needing to provide free food to its youth? Just a few questions that I had over the weekend. Please feel free to send me your thoughts....I feel as though I'm moving forward...

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