Friday, October 3, 2008

Returning home

About a month ago, I was given the opportunity to return to Zambia with EWB. This time around, I would be accompanying 2 Aeroplan employees (a major supporter of EWB), acting as trip coordinator, facilitator, cultural informant, and anything other required role! At first, I was hesitant - was I ready to return? Ready to say goodbye again? Ready to potentially take two steps back along my path to Canadian integration? In the end, I realized that it was an opportunity to do what I've been talking about since I came home: connecting Canadians and Zambians.
After a day of training in TO, we are now in Pearson airport scrambling to arrange new flights since our connection to NY was just canceled. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and this delay will only make us that much more grateful when we finally arrive in Lusaka. I'll keep you all posted....